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ice cold bath for weight loss

  ice water bath weight loss
Or snow, it looks very exciting and strange for women. But the loss of three KLG weight a month I think she deserves you to experience.

Where a U.S. study indicate that take a bath of water for ten minutes three times a week, you may be losing three kilograms of weight per month. The study adds that the cold temperatures are a a catalyst for action brown fat it contains body and is working to burn calories in the body in an effective a way. Due to presence of these fats in small quantities, scientists are looking for effective ways to stimulate the work.

Hence the idea of ​​an ice bath that can be applied in steps:

1 - Fill half with the bathtub with cold water.

2 - Add to the water 2 to three kilos of ice in it.

3 - Wait to melt an important amount of ice in the water.

4 - sit in the bathtub for five or ten minutes.

5 - health and happiness, dear graceful.

 ice cold bath for weight loss